In recognizing the dregs of press unprofessionalism, journalistic sloth, and generally deserved media mockery, we have created “The Golden Remington Awards,” a nod to the olden days when hard-scrabble hacks committed actual journalism and hammered out dispatches on those hefty wordsmith devices. With an eye to that past of muckraking reporting and shoe leather investigation, we acknowledge those who fail today in an audacious fashion.
These are the inauspicious nominations, in several categories, for this year’s Remmys.
Distinguished Editorial Writing
“Willkommen everyone to the Hutte zum Lachen! Please partake in the 2-Reisling-minimum, as you enjoy the comedy stylings of – Der Fuhrer!”
The press has clearly entered the desperation phase of the upcoming election, and the efforts to paint Donald Trump as a Nazi are not abating. The latest effort comes from Politico, where the…