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Ben Carson: ‘Pretty Much Guarantee’ Biden Couldn’t Pass Simple Cognitive Test

President Joe Biden has avoided taking a simple mental evaluation because the White House wants to avoid exposing the severity of the president’s mental decline, according to Dr. Ben Carson.

Carson is the former head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development under former President Trump and a highly-decorated neurosurgeon. The Yale-educated doctor said “it’s pretty obvious” watching Biden that the president’s mental acuity has fallen drastically in recent years.

“Just look at the different interviews over the years and compare the way he speaks now to the way he spoke, you know, five years ago, ten years ago. Obviously, a big decline. That’s not something that is normal,” Carson said in an interview with The Daily Wire. “There is a decline with aging and memory and various other things, but not to that degree. There is something else going on with him.”

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