News Busters

MSNBC Hosts Spike The Football After NBC’s Firing Of Ronna McDaniel

Several of the hosts at MSNBC, pleased with having cowed leadership into terminating the contract of former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, took to the air and celebrated the ouster in an eye roll-inducing display of pious self-congratulation. The inmates rejoice, secure in the knowledge that they do, in fact, run the asylum.

The evening began innocently enough, with Ari Melber soberly breaking the news and reading, without really any subsequent dunking, the statement put forth by NBCUniversal News Chairman Cesar Conde (click “expand”):

ARI MELBER: We want to turn now to an update from NBC News. NBC News leadership has announced that former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel will not be an NBC News contributor. We have a new email and update that’s come out just within this hour, so this is sort of breaking news here within our organization on a story that has…

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