Last Saturday the NY Times published a profile of author and academic Jonathan Haidt. This is just one of several pieces the Times has published about Haidt in connection with his new book “The Anxious Generation.” The profile is odd because it has an overarching tone of snarky cynicism about Haidt and his work while at the same time offering very little to justify it. Frankly, it reads like it really wanted to be a hit piece (like the one the Times published about Jordan Peterson a few years ago), but in this case the author just couldn’t quite pull it off. Still, the piece is still full of hints that she does not really like the person she’s writing about.
Mr. Haidt often sounds like what might happen if the doomsayer Cassandra swallowed Dale Carnegie: alarmed by the catastrophes humans have cooked up, but stubbornly chipper about our capacity to undo them…
Mr. Haidt, along with…