Red state

Consumers Respond Accordingly After Cadbury Egg Store in the UK Goes Politically Correct for Easter – RedState

While the most important part about Easter for believers is of course the message about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, many of us have been known to also take part in the more consumer-driven aspects of the holiday. They include but are not limited to the purchasing of cutesy pastel-colored home and yard decor, the making of elaborate Easter baskets, volunteering for Easter egg painting and hunts, and the enjoyment of sweet treats like Peeps and chocolate bunnies (my personal preference is for the hollow version).

But as always, anytime there is a holiday that involves the Christian faith, there are the politically correct among us (both here and across) who become fauxfended at the mere thought of using words like “Easter” and “Christmas” and who then seek to take the enjoyment right out of the season by demanding everyone around them join in on their misery.

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