This post started out as something completely different about 40 minutes ago. Then all I had was a video of Baltimore’s youngish mayor, Brandon Scott, during an interview on race0baiting whack-job Joy Reid’s show. And the lad was going off on white people, egged on, of course, by the mistress of malevolence herself.
And my first reaction, honestly, was, “Build the damn bridge yourself, then, you miserable twit.” Particularly knowing my initial response to the horror, and those of my friends, had to do with nothing but the ghastly occurrence we saw repeated over and over in front of our eyes. What it meant to any poor folks who might have been on the bridge. And what the aftermath was going to mean to a city that’s been circling the drain for years anyway.
I even defended Scott when people dinked on him for comparing the collapse to looking like something out of a video…