News Busters

Bash, Warnock Defend Biden WH ‘Trans Day of Visibility’

On this fine Resurrection Day, CNN chose to come out and defend the Biden administration’s decision to elevate Transgender Visibility Day. The method of choice was via an appeal to authority, with the authority being Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA), who is pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.

Bash chose Transgender Visibility Day as the topic with which to close their Easter-themed interview. Here is that particular segment of the aforementioned interview, as aired on CNN State of the Union on Sunday, March 31st, 2024:

DANA BASH: Republicans are attacking President Biden for recognizing today as Transgender Day of Visibility. I want to be very clear that this day, this Transgender Day of Visibility, is always on March 31st. Has been since 2009. This president has marked it every year since he’s been in The White House. The date of Easter…

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