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A Model to Solve Homelessness

After spending years serving the needs of the poor and homeless through nonprofit ministry, James Whitford says he learned that “it’s good for nonprofits … to stay away from government funding.” 

Whitford, the co-founder and CEO of True Charity, a national initiative to reform charity work, started serving the poor through a ministry called Watered Gardens Ministries in Joplin, Missouri, over two decades ago. Over time, he has crafted a model for how nonprofits can best serve the needs of the poor and actually be a part of solving the homeless crisis. 

Step one, according to Whitford, is declining government funding because it reduces fundraising efforts, which disengages local donations, and “those local donors are often volunteers as well,” he tells “The Daily Signal Podcast.” 

“So there’s a kind of a symbiosis between the local donor and being…

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