Hot Air

And Just Like That the Border Stampeders were Released by an El Paso Judge – HotAir

Presiding Magistrate Judge Humberto Acosta delivered a ruling on Easter Sunday during an online teleconference bond hearing in which he released hundreds of illegal aliens on their own recognizance. The El Paso judge said that only those with an immigration hold on them will remain jailed. 

Why did he do that? Acosta said that the El Paso District Attorney’s Office was not ready to proceed with detention hearings for each defendant. Another hearing is scheduled for more defendants today. 

These illegal aliens are the ones who produced a “border riot” as they stampeded over the border which overwhelmed National Guard troops along the Rio Grande River. It happened on March 21. Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) arrested them. They were mostly male and from Venezuela. They tore down razor wire along the river and then rushed the border fence. The location was at Border Safety…

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