Red state

Proclaiming Easter ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ Is About Something Far More Sinister Than Politics – RedState

On Good Friday, while most Christians were honoring the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross, the White House had other ideas. As Redstate reported, a declaration was put out by the Biden administration in which the president proclaimed that March 31st, 2024, Easter Sunday, would be “transgender day of visibility.” 

READ: Biden’s Special Proclamation for Easter Sunday Isn’t About Easter – It’s About Transgender Visibility Day

Naturally, just to rub salt in the wound, the header of the statement included a picture of a bunny instead of any symbolism that could be connected to the most sacred day of the year for Christians. Why would Biden’s handlers go out of their way to pretend that some “day of visibility” made up by a mentally ill man 15 years ago holds the same significance as Easter? 

Most speculated that it was yet another move by the president to shore up his base. That’s…

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