Hot Air

Elon Musk and the New Space Age – HotAir

If Elon Musk were a recluse who did nothing but build SpaceX, he would still be the most important figure of the 21st century. 

That isn’t hyperbole on my part. I truly believe it. 

I spend much of my time focusing on what is going wrong in our society, and there is far too much to cover on that side of the street. 

But honestly, there is still much that is going right, too, and most of that is in the engineering startup world. For every Boeing imploding before our eyes, there is a SpaceX or a Boom that is aiming to revolutionize some aspect of the world. 

America still has entrepreneurs and visionaries who are building the future, and no other country houses more of them. And Elon Musk is a figure out of a Heinlein novel, dragging the world forward into a new age. 

Forget Twitter. Forget politics. Even forget Tesla. SpaceX is changing the world, and many people haven’t even…

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