On Wednesday, Fox News presented a video of an arms shipment reportedly intercepted by Israeli forces. The video was not accompanied by any narration or indeed any audio, but reportedly shows a cache of weapons and explosives headed for Hamas in Gaza, and supplied by Iran.
The video displays a wide range of arms and munitions, including mines, hand-thrown grenades, and other explosives, rocket-propelled grenade launchers (the infamous RPG-7 of Cold War infamy) what appear to be a variety of sidearms including Glock and Beretta pistols, and interestingly, what look to be AR-15 platform rifles, although whether they are the M-16/M4 version that has the full-auto or 3-shot burst capability is not discernable.
There are also displayed several M203-style grenade launchers that can be fitted to the forearm of the AR-pattern rifles.
If this cache is,…