White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tried to make an April Fool’s Day joke during the White House press briefing and it didn’t go over very well.
She tried to make a joke about The Hatch Act, of all things, during this presidential campaign season. KJP has been found in violation of the Act so that made her ‘joke’ rather awkward.
Here is a refresher on what exactly The Hatch Act is and why it became law:
The Hatch Act was signed into law in 1939 to keep federal employees from engaging in political activities while they were on the job. It was also designed to ensure federal employees don’t face political pressures as they perform their work. While numerous federal employees have been cited with violating the act over the years, high-ranking political appointees have rarely faced any repercussions.
The act was initially passed in reaction to a scandal during the…