Hot Air

Democrats and the White House Whine That the Media is Being Unfair to Them – HotAir

Tuesday evening the Wall Street Journal published a story titled “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” As I described here, the story was balanced to the point of unreadable. A White House spokesman was quoted more than anyone else in the piece and plenty of other Democrats were given a chance (sometimes after being prompted to do so by the White House) that Biden was still as sharp as ever behind the scenes.

In response to the article, Democrats have unleashed a tremendous hue and cry over the unfairness of the media. They are absolutely outraged about the coverage of a story that a) most Americans say is a major concern and b) dozens of other news outlets have written about previously.

On Wednesday morning, Morning Joe added to the chorus, with Joe Scarborough calling it a “Trump hit piece.”…

“I have repeatedly stated on air that I am an avid reader and…

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