News Busters

Zero Seconds for the Biden Family Business

As Hunter Biden is tried on gun charges in Delaware, MRC Director of Media Analyisis Geoffrey Dickens joins the show to remind us how scoops about the Bidens (Joe, Hunter, Uncle Jim) in the New York Post and Politico are persistently ignored by ABC, CBS, and NBC.

Perhaps the most brazen omission in the last few months is ignoring that the House Republicans charged that Hunter Biden lied to Congress under oath at least three times during his testimony back on February 28. At the time, reporters underlined the view that the House Republican investigation was a “sham” and that Hunter got the best of the Republicans that day. So omitting the GOP belief that the president’s son lied under oath was predictably buried. 

Other stories with juicy details were left on the cutting-room floor. Politico reported that the president’s brother James Biden was cutting deals…

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