On Monday morning, following another eventful weekend, The View took to the air to, once again, complain about Donald Trump, in their own words, “you-know-who.” The women reacted to a video recap of Trump’s comments from a rally. Yet their confusion from the video should more accurately be attributed to the deceptive and chaotic editing, and not the delivery of the former President.
The soundbites in question came from Trump’s campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada and were stitched together with multiple cuts:
TRUMP: I’m up here sweating like a dog. Secret service said, we have to make sure everyone’s safe. I said, what about me? Oh, we never thought of that. [Cut] Are the teleprompters not working? Not even a little bit. Great job, and then I don’t pay the company that does it, right? Then I end up with a story, Trump doesn’t pay. I don’t pay…