News Busters

Whoopi Goldberg Calls for Class Action Suit on Justices, The View Disagrees

Another week, another phony Supreme Court justice scandal covered by ABC’s The View. This one being especially , only Whoopi Goldberg tried to insist it was actually a scandal. On Tuesday morning’s segment, the group discussed a deceptive audio secretly taken in hopes of embarrassing both Justice Samuel Alito and his wife. The tape, being of no great consequence, only highlighting the justice’s faith, once again, sent Whoopi on a tangent, calling for the necessity of a class action suit! Surprisingly, many of the other hosts disagreed.

This secretly taped audio was taken by Lauren Windsor, a liberal activist, who specializes in the deception of politicians with her faux conservative persona and Whoopi wondered, “Why can’t we sue them in a class action suit?… I don’t know why you can’t pull a class action suit that says, listen, you are no longer doing the job you’re supposed…

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