News Busters

Paul Ryan Calling Trump ‘Unfit for Office’ Not Good Enough for Scarborough

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 6-13-24 Republicans can denounce Donald Trump, but it’s never enough for MSNBC folks until you endorse the president. 

On today’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough wasn’t satisfied with former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s remarks on Fox News and lambasted Trump, calling him, among other things, an “authoritarian narcissist” who is  “unfit for office.”

That’s not enough. Despite praising Ryan as a “wonderful man” and expressing gratitude for Ryan saying that he wouldn’t vote for Trump, Scarborough was peeved that Ryan said that he doesn’t support Joe Biden either, that his policies are “terrible,” and that he would be casting a write-in vote for a Republican.

Scarborough was confounded that Ryan wouldn’t vote for Biden, wasting his vote on some Republican loser when he could be voting for Biden to block Trump’s re-election.

I’m grateful that Republicans like…

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