President Biden promised to have the most transparent administration ever. That promise has not panned out.
Biden is one of the least transparent presidents in modern times. It’s likely because he isn’t up to his job and he isn’t really the person in charge. Those around him are making the decisions. He suffers from dementia so it is hard for him to communicate.
The president can’t ad-lib well or answer questions off the cuff. He is easily confused and he loses his train of thought. None of this is going to stop with Biden. He can’t control it and there is no cure for dementia. He is what we have.
He traveled to the G7 in Italy this week. The White House press corps went along, as they do. During these summits, there is usually a press conference or two that the American president does with the international press.
The focus at the G7 for Biden was Ukraine. He was pleased to…