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Conservative Group To Launch Ad Campaign Targeting 10 Dems On Immigration

A conservative organization is reportedly launching a multi-million dollar advertising campaign that slams 10 Democrats over their record on immigration.

A new report from Axios reveals that the American Action Network (AAN) will spend $9.5 million focusing on the unnamed politicians who could be vulnerable in the upcoming election.

AAN is a 501(c)(4) organization that can receive unlimited donations and is said to have ties to the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), the House GOP leadership’s main super PAC. While the CLF can engage in direct political advocacy, the AAN maintains its status as a tax-exempt organization by engaging in issue advocacy. Unlike the CLF, however, AAN is not required to disclose its donor list.

The news was reported shortly after it was revealed that One Nation, a conservative organization aligned with Senate GOP leadership, is spending $15 million on ads

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