Hours after his appearance Tuesday afternoon on the Fox News Channel’s America Reports, MRC Founder and President Bozell rejoined the Fox airwaves on the Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit and then Fox News @ Night with Trace Gallagher. On both, Bozell took a blowtorch to Google’s “monopoly [on] information” censorsing Republican candidates and the liberal media’s downplaying of the southern border crisis.
Bozell told Evening Edit fill-in host David Asman that a new report from MRC Free Speech America about Google censorship of GOP campaigns came just days after the Republican National Committee (RNC) sued Google for allegedly “sending their [fundraising] appeal letters” and “policy e-mail” “to spam.”
Of course, Bozell noted that Google hasn’t been “doing that with the Democrats”
But on the findings of our report, Bozell explained “Google controls 92.4 percent of search engines — searches worldwide” and, upon an examination of search results for a dozen of the most competitive races, “Google gave Democrats higher exposure than Republicans” in ten of them.
“So, if you’re looking at races, you go right to the Democrats, not to the Republicans. In seven of the 12 cases, Google, that says they’re objective, that they’re merely a platform, Google put the Republicans on page two of the searches,” Bozell added.
Putting that in perspective, he pointed out the fact that, all too often, people rarely go past page one of search results (to the tune of “less than one percent”) and thus, “in seven of the 12 cases, if you’re a Republican, you’re a non-entity where Google is concerned. If someone is searching for you, you don’t exist.”
Bozell again shared those findings with Gallagher just after midnight Eastern Wednesday (click “expand”)
[L]et’s — let’s look at the importance of this. First, Google controls 92.4 percent of all searches worldwide. So, it is almost a monopoly, a monopoly of information. When it purports to be an objective platform, it puts things in an objective way. But in 10 of the 12 cases, it gave preferential treatment to the Democrats or the Republicans and here’s the kicker, Trace, the statistics will tell you that less than one percent of the public goes beyond the first page of a Google search. Of the 12 Republicans, seven of them were put on page two, where they get less than one percent of the interest from the public.
So, they’ve been buried, they’re being squished as far as a search information system is concerned, they really don’t exist. Google now is twice in trouble with Republicans. They just got sued on Friday, after the Republicans found out that they were taking their e-mails and putting their fundraising emails and putting them into spam. So, Google really is affecting the elections in a very serious way. I believe, also, it’s illegal.
Shifting gears to the southern border, Gallagher called up our new study showing the “big three” network evening newscasts on ABC, CBS, and NBC have continued to attack Republicans and GOP governors despite the fact that the southern border crisis has reached a fever pitch with Democrats in control at all levels of the federal government.
Gallagher called it “just staggering” that the networks gave 6,000 times more attention to Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) flight of illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts than monthly border crossings hitting record highs.
Bozell expanded on that, stating “2.37 million illegal immigrants crossed in the last year” and that fetched “143 minutes total coverage from the networks, but when 50 are sent to Martha’s Vineyard, 19 minutes is — is, is devoted to that” (and hence the 6,000 times disparity).
“In so far as coverage of people is concerned, 26 negative attacks on DeSantis and Abbott in Texas for what they did. Total negative statements about Biden in the last year with — with 2.37 million illegal immigrants crossing? Two negative statements,” he added.
Gallagher praised that MRC finding as “an amazing statistic” and proof that President Biden and Vice President/border czar Kamala Harris have been all but completely absolved of blame.
Bozell wrapped by calling the situation at the border “a calamity by an measurement” and “God bless” Fox News for “covering it on a regular basis” as the strain of illegals has “wreak[ed] devastation because there’s no place to put them when they come across the border.”
To see the relevant Fox transcripts from October 25 and 26, click “expand.”
FBN’s The Evening Edit
October 25, 2022
6:45 p.m. Eastern
DAVID ASMAN: So, some elections are influenced by the media highlighting or just ignoring key facts and issues that could sway voters. 2020 was certainly one of those elections by essentially what they deleted or censored but other elections? Voters clearly ignore the opinions of the media — the media trend-setters anyway and they make up their own minds. The election of Ronald Reagan was one of those. The 2010 midterm elections brought out the so-called tea party, which countered the liberal media’s bias. The question is whether this year’s midterms will be the same. Let’s welcome to the show Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz and Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell. Good to see you both. I want to talk first about this issue, Jason, of whether this will be one of those elections where the public says, nah, we don’t buy it. We don’t buy the fact that inflation is not a problem, that crime is not a problem, that border is not a problem. We’ll go with people that say they will fix it. What do you think?
JASON CHAFFETZ: Yeah, I think people tend to believe their own — their own eyes and when they go to the gas pump, when they walk the streets, it is not safe, when they see what is going on with immigration, all of these issues, the president sits there and says, you know, immigration is not a problem. The border is secure and he says crime is going to be just fine and what we did in the schools, you know, don’t worry about that, you know, with the lockdowns and certainly with inflation. People understand this. They blow past the media. They know that they’re being lied to out of the white House and that’s why I think there’s going to be a — this is going to be a wave election.
ASMAN: But, Brent, on the other hand, I — I don’t think that the social media companies who said, oh, we made a terrible mistake in 2020 by censoring the Hunter Biden story, I don’t buy their — their confession and the fact they’re going easy. In fact, you have evidence that Google already has begun another campaign to put their — their people in Congress, right?
BRENT BOZELL: Let’s remember that just recently the RNC discovered that Google was sending their fund appeal letters to spam, and not doing that with the Democrats. And now, they’re finding the same thing is happening apparently with their policy emails. And — to — so — so — so the RNC sued Google on Friday for this. We’ve discovered there’s another way to measure hostility to Republicans. Google controls 92.4 percent of search engines — searches worldwide. That’s a virtual monopoly that they have. We look at the top 12 contested campaigns this year. In 10 of the 12 of them, Google gave Democrats higher exposure than Republicans. So, if you’re looking at races, you go right to the Democrats, not to the Republicans. In seven of the 12 cases, Google, that says they’re objective, that they’re merely a platform, Google put the Republicans on page two of the searches. Now what does that mean? Less than one percent of people look at page two when doing a search, meaning in seven of the 12 cases, if you’re a Republican, you’re a non-entity where Google is concerned. If someone is searching for you, you don’t exist.
ASMAN: Unbelievable. Jason, back to legacy media, so politicians believe even if they don’t share the same views of legacy media, they should — they should be on the shows because it is important to broaden the reach, et cetera. Ted Cruz said that. Here is what happened to him on The View for those who missed it. Roll tape.
ASMAN: So Jason, is it worth it? He says — Ted Cruz wanted to broaden the reach, good thing for him to be there. You see how he was treated. What do you think?
CHAFFETZ: Well, I probably have a little different take than a lot of people, I give The View credit for inviting him on and I applaud Ted Cruz for actually going on and answering the questions. And Ted Cruz is right. He is out there able to talk to a few million people. He can blow past the hosts. But it exposes these radical climate activists. If you think that’s changing the opinion of anybody by, you know, doing what they did or throwing paint on a Monet or a, you know, some high-priced piece of art, they’re not doing anything to help their — their cause whatsoever.
ASMAN: Guys, we have run out of time. I wish we had more. Good to see you both. You’re — you’re excellent folks. I appreciate you being here. Jason, Brent, good to see you. Thank you for being here.
BOZELL, Thank you, David.
FNC’s Fox News @ Night With Trace Gallagher
October 26, 2022
12:19 a.m. Eastern [TEASE]
TRACE GALLAGHER: Well, coming up: Is Google manipulating search engine results against Republicans? The founder of the Media Research Center, Brent Bozell says, yes, they are.
12:27 a.m. Eastern
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Weighted Search; MRC: Google Manipulates Results Against GOP Candidates]
TRACE GALLAGHER: New research tonight alleging that Google is manipulating Internet search results to favor Democratic candidates for Senate over their Republican rivals. Let’s bring in Media Research Center Founder, Brent Bozell. Brent, always great to see you. So — so, you went on Real Clear Politics and you picked out the 12 hot Senate races, right? And then you did some research, and you found that the Republican candidates in 10 of those races are being buried by Google’s search engines, fair assessment?
BRENT BOZELL: Yeah, let’s — let’s look at the importance of this. First, Google controls 92.4 percent of all searches worldwide. So, it is almost a monopoly, a monopoly of information. When it purports to be an objective platform, it puts things in an objective way. But in 10 of the 12 cases, it gave preferential treatment to the Democrats or the Republicans and here’s the kicker, Trace, the statistics will tell you that less than one percent of the public goes beyond the first page of a Google search. Of the 12 Republicans, seven of them were put on page two, where they get less than one percent of the interest from the public. So, they’ve been buried, they’re being squished as far as a search information system is concerned, they really don’t exist. Google now is twice in trouble with Republicans. They just got sued on Friday, after the Republicans found out that they were taking their e-mails and putting their fundraising emails and putting them into spam. So, Google really is affecting the elections in a very serious way. I believe, also, it’s illegal.
GALLAGHER: Yeah. And by the way, that was the North Carolina study that showed that 59.3 percent of the e-mails that Google was using, there it is right there, you know, were being buried, were likely to be marked as spam versus Democrats, which is shocking. I want to move on, if I can, Brent, because ABC, CBS, NBC, T.V. news coverage in general treats the Martha’s Vineyard migrants, 6,000 times — this is the number you gave us. 6,000 times more newsworthy than the southern border encounters which is just staggering.
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Border Coverage; MRC: Media Focused on Migrant Flights Over Encounters]
BOZELL: It’s — it’s true. 2.37 illegal — 2.37 million illegal immigrants crossed in the last year.
BOZELL: 143 minutes total coverage from the networks. But when 50 are sent to Martha’s Vineyard, 19 minutes is — is, is devoted to that. That is 6,000 times bigger a story than 2.37 million people crossing the border. Here’s an interesting little thing for you. In so far as coverage of people is concerned, 26 negative attacks on DeSantis and Abbott in Texas for what they did. Total negative statements about Biden in the last year with — with 2.37 million illegal immigrants crossing?
BOZELL: Two negative statements.
GALLAGHER: I want to put that up on the screen because that right there is an amazing statistic. You talked about, you know, who do you blame for the border? Are you blaming the president? No. Are you blaming Kamala Harris, the borders are? No. Who you blaming? We’re blaming the governors. 26 governors, the networks blame, and — and Biden administration, the President, zero. And by the way, just for clarification, the President has never ever been to the — to the border, and I’m not sure he’s going anytime soon, Brent.
BOZELL: No, no, it’s a calamity. The border is a calamity by any measurement. You folks, you know, Fox is covering it on a regular basis. God bless you all for doing it. It’s a real news story. There’s a travesty taking place when 2.37 million illegal immigrants cross the border and go into the country, they wreak devastation, because there’s no place to put them when they come across the border. You just take 50 and take them to Martha’s Vineyard, to these liberal elites, who said they were a sanctuary city. They welcomed them with hope — with open arms. And my God, there was a meltdown, wasn’t there?
GALLAGHER: Yeah, there was a meltdown. And you know, those people were quickly shoved off onto the mainland. Right? And, you know, you’re — there was no coverage at all of the migrants that the Biden administration has been flying all over the country for the past 18 months. Brent Bozell, always great to see you, sir. Thank you.
BOZELL: Thank you.
Hours after his appearance Tuesday afternoon on the Fox News Channel’s America Reports, MRC Founder and President Bozell rejoined the Fox airwaves on the Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit and then Fox News @ Night with Trace Gallagher. On both, Bozell took a blowtorch to Google’s “monopoly [on] information” censorsing Republican candidates and the liberal media’s downplaying of the southern border crisis.
Bozell told Evening Edit fill-in host David Asman that a new report from MRC Free Speech America about Google censorship of GOP campaigns came just days after the Republican National Committee (RNC) sued Google for allegedly “sending their [fundraising] appeal letters” and “policy e-mail” “to spam.”
Of course, Bozell noted that Google hasn’t been “doing that with the Democrats”
But on the findings of our report, Bozell explained “Google controls 92.4 percent of search engines — searches worldwide” and, upon an examination of search results for a dozen of the most competitive races, “Google gave Democrats higher exposure than Republicans” in ten of them.
“So, if you’re looking at races, you go right to the Democrats, not to the Republicans. In seven of the 12 cases, Google, that says they’re objective, that they’re merely a platform, Google put the Republicans on page two of the searches,” Bozell added.
Putting that in perspective, he pointed out the fact that, all too often, people rarely go past page one of search results (to the tune of “less than one percent”) and thus, “in seven of the 12 cases, if you’re a Republican, you’re a non-entity where Google is concerned. If someone is searching for you, you don’t exist.”
Bozell again shared those findings with Gallagher just after midnight Eastern Wednesday (click “expand”)
[L]et’s — let’s look at the importance of this. First, Google controls 92.4 percent of all searches worldwide. So, it is almost a monopoly, a monopoly of information. When it purports to be an objective platform, it puts things in an objective way. But in 10 of the 12 cases, it gave preferential treatment to the Democrats or the Republicans and here’s the kicker, Trace, the statistics will tell you that less than one percent of the public goes beyond the first page of a Google search. Of the 12 Republicans, seven of them were put on page two, where they get less than one percent of the interest from the public.
So, they’ve been buried, they’re being squished as far as a search information system is concerned, they really don’t exist. Google now is twice in trouble with Republicans. They just got sued on Friday, after the Republicans found out that they were taking their e-mails and putting their fundraising emails and putting them into spam. So, Google really is affecting the elections in a very serious way. I believe, also, it’s illegal.
Shifting gears to the southern border, Gallagher called up our new study showing the “big three” network evening newscasts on ABC, CBS, and NBC have continued to attack Republicans and GOP governors despite the fact that the southern border crisis has reached a fever pitch with Democrats in control at all levels of the federal government.
Gallagher called it “just staggering” that the networks gave 6,000 times more attention to Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) flight of illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts than monthly border crossings hitting record highs.
Bozell expanded on that, stating “2.37 million illegal immigrants crossed in the last year” and that fetched “143 minutes total coverage from the networks, but when 50 are sent to Martha’s Vineyard, 19 minutes is — is, is devoted to that” (and hence the 6,000 times disparity).
“In so far as coverage of people is concerned, 26 negative attacks on DeSantis and Abbott in Texas for what they did. Total negative statements about Biden in the last year with — with 2.37 million illegal immigrants crossing? Two negative statements,” he added.
Gallagher praised that MRC finding as “an amazing statistic” and proof that President Biden and Vice President/border czar Kamala Harris have been all but completely absolved of blame.
Bozell wrapped by calling the situation at the border “a calamity by an measurement” and “God bless” Fox News for “covering it on a regular basis” as the strain of illegals has “wreak[ed] devastation because there’s no place to put them when they come across the border.”
To see the relevant Fox transcripts from October 25 and 26, click “expand.”
FBN’s The Evening Edit
October 25, 2022
6:45 p.m. Eastern
DAVID ASMAN: So, some elections are influenced by the media highlighting or just ignoring key facts and issues that could sway voters. 2020 was certainly one of those elections by essentially what they deleted or censored but other elections? Voters clearly ignore the opinions of the media — the media trend-setters anyway and they make up their own minds. The election of Ronald Reagan was one of those. The 2010 midterm elections brought out the so-called tea party, which countered the liberal media’s bias. The question is whether this year’s midterms will be the same. Let’s welcome to the show Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz and Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell. Good to see you both. I want to talk first about this issue, Jason, of whether this will be one of those elections where the public says, nah, we don’t buy it. We don’t buy the fact that inflation is not a problem, that crime is not a problem, that border is not a problem. We’ll go with people that say they will fix it. What do you think?
JASON CHAFFETZ: Yeah, I think people tend to believe their own — their own eyes and when they go to the gas pump, when they walk the streets, it is not safe, when they see what is going on with immigration, all of these issues, the president sits there and says, you know, immigration is not a problem. The border is secure and he says crime is going to be just fine and what we did in the schools, you know, don’t worry about that, you know, with the lockdowns and certainly with inflation. People understand this. They blow past the media. They know that they’re being lied to out of the white House and that’s why I think there’s going to be a — this is going to be a wave election.
ASMAN: But, Brent, on the other hand, I — I don’t think that the social media companies who said, oh, we made a terrible mistake in 2020 by censoring the Hunter Biden story, I don’t buy their — their confession and the fact they’re going easy. In fact, you have evidence that Google already has begun another campaign to put their — their people in Congress, right?
BRENT BOZELL: Let’s remember that just recently the RNC discovered that Google was sending their fund appeal letters to spam, and not doing that with the Democrats. And now, they’re finding the same thing is happening apparently with their policy emails. And — to — so — so — so the RNC sued Google on Friday for this. We’ve discovered there’s another way to measure hostility to Republicans. Google controls 92.4 percent of search engines — searches worldwide. That’s a virtual monopoly that they have. We look at the top 12 contested campaigns this year. In 10 of the 12 of them, Google gave Democrats higher exposure than Republicans. So, if you’re looking at races, you go right to the Democrats, not to the Republicans. In seven of the 12 cases, Google, that says they’re objective, that they’re merely a platform, Google put the Republicans on page two of the searches. Now what does that mean? Less than one percent of people look at page two when doing a search, meaning in seven of the 12 cases, if you’re a Republican, you’re a non-entity where Google is concerned. If someone is searching for you, you don’t exist.
ASMAN: Unbelievable. Jason, back to legacy media, so politicians believe even if they don’t share the same views of legacy media, they should — they should be on the shows because it is important to broaden the reach, et cetera. Ted Cruz said that. Here is what happened to him on The View for those who missed it. Roll tape.
ASMAN: So Jason, is it worth it? He says — Ted Cruz wanted to broaden the reach, good thing for him to be there. You see how he was treated. What do you think?
CHAFFETZ: Well, I probably have a little different take than a lot of people, I give The View credit for inviting him on and I applaud Ted Cruz for actually going on and answering the questions. And Ted Cruz is right. He is out there able to talk to a few million people. He can blow past the hosts. But it exposes these radical climate activists. If you think that’s changing the opinion of anybody by, you know, doing what they did or throwing paint on a Monet or a, you know, some high-priced piece of art, they’re not doing anything to help their — their cause whatsoever.
ASMAN: Guys, we have run out of time. I wish we had more. Good to see you both. You’re — you’re excellent folks. I appreciate you being here. Jason, Brent, good to see you. Thank you for being here.
BOZELL, Thank you, David.
FNC’s Fox News @ Night With Trace Gallagher
October 26, 2022
12:19 a.m. Eastern [TEASE]
TRACE GALLAGHER: Well, coming up: Is Google manipulating search engine results against Republicans? The founder of the Media Research Center, Brent Bozell says, yes, they are.
12:27 a.m. Eastern
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Weighted Search; MRC: Google Manipulates Results Against GOP Candidates]
TRACE GALLAGHER: New research tonight alleging that Google is manipulating Internet search results to favor Democratic candidates for Senate over their Republican rivals. Let’s bring in Media Research Center Founder, Brent Bozell. Brent, always great to see you. So — so, you went on Real Clear Politics and you picked out the 12 hot Senate races, right? And then you did some research, and you found that the Republican candidates in 10 of those races are being buried by Google’s search engines, fair assessment?
BRENT BOZELL: Yeah, let’s — let’s look at the importance of this. First, Google controls 92.4 percent of all searches worldwide. So, it is almost a monopoly, a monopoly of information. When it purports to be an objective platform, it puts things in an objective way. But in 10 of the 12 cases, it gave preferential treatment to the Democrats or the Republicans and here’s the kicker, Trace, the statistics will tell you that less than one percent of the public goes beyond the first page of a Google search. Of the 12 Republicans, seven of them were put on page two, where they get less than one percent of the interest from the public. So, they’ve been buried, they’re being squished as far as a search information system is concerned, they really don’t exist. Google now is twice in trouble with Republicans. They just got sued on Friday, after the Republicans found out that they were taking their e-mails and putting their fundraising emails and putting them into spam. So, Google really is affecting the elections in a very serious way. I believe, also, it’s illegal.
GALLAGHER: Yeah. And by the way, that was the North Carolina study that showed that 59.3 percent of the e-mails that Google was using, there it is right there, you know, were being buried, were likely to be marked as spam versus Democrats, which is shocking. I want to move on, if I can, Brent, because ABC, CBS, NBC, T.V. news coverage in general treats the Martha’s Vineyard migrants, 6,000 times — this is the number you gave us. 6,000 times more newsworthy than the southern border encounters which is just staggering.
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Border Coverage; MRC: Media Focused on Migrant Flights Over Encounters]
BOZELL: It’s — it’s true. 2.37 illegal — 2.37 million illegal immigrants crossed in the last year.
BOZELL: 143 minutes total coverage from the networks. But when 50 are sent to Martha’s Vineyard, 19 minutes is — is, is devoted to that. That is 6,000 times bigger a story than 2.37 million people crossing the border. Here’s an interesting little thing for you. In so far as coverage of people is concerned, 26 negative attacks on DeSantis and Abbott in Texas for what they did. Total negative statements about Biden in the last year with — with 2.37 million illegal immigrants crossing?
BOZELL: Two negative statements.
GALLAGHER: I want to put that up on the screen because that right there is an amazing statistic. You talked about, you know, who do you blame for the border? Are you blaming the president? No. Are you blaming Kamala Harris, the borders are? No. Who you blaming? We’re blaming the governors. 26 governors, the networks blame, and — and Biden administration, the President, zero. And by the way, just for clarification, the President has never ever been to the — to the border, and I’m not sure he’s going anytime soon, Brent.
BOZELL: No, no, it’s a calamity. The border is a calamity by any measurement. You folks, you know, Fox is covering it on a regular basis. God bless you all for doing it. It’s a real news story. There’s a travesty taking place when 2.37 million illegal immigrants cross the border and go into the country, they wreak devastation, because there’s no place to put them when they come across the border. You just take 50 and take them to Martha’s Vineyard, to these liberal elites, who said they were a sanctuary city. They welcomed them with hope — with open arms. And my God, there was a meltdown, wasn’t there?
GALLAGHER: Yeah, there was a meltdown. And you know, those people were quickly shoved off onto the mainland. Right? And, you know, you’re — there was no coverage at all of the migrants that the Biden administration has been flying all over the country for the past 18 months. Brent Bozell, always great to see you, sir. Thank you.
BOZELL: Thank you.