During a contentious and revealing House hearing in early June, Dr. Anthony Fauci was compelled to make a number of admissions involving pandemic responses and related declarations he’d made. Masking claims were now debunked, his six-foot distancing standard was pure creation, mandates on school policies were never based on studies, and the lab leak issue that was formerly taboo has been all but confirmed.
Fauci Hearing: The Accountability That Will Never Come
Fauci Tried Social Distancing Himself From Responsibility,
but Nobody Is Buying the Lies Anymore
During his discrediting, there was another story confirmed that is unaffiliated with COVID-19 but no less dramatic – the case of a lab conducting experiments on beagle puppies. This was the jarring report that stated a Tunisian medical lab was conducting shocking experiments on that breed concerning sand flies passing disease. The…