New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof has, despite his best efforts, succumbed to a rare outbreak of at least partial honesty. His June 15, 2024 column “What Have We Liberals Done to the West Coast?” contains several doubtless embarrassing moments of lucid thought, correct perception, and acceptance of truths that will inexorably land Kristof in scalding hot water amidst his peers as they feverishly pound out story after story declaring such “it’s true because I say so” moments such as Joe Biden being fit as a tack and sharp as a fiddle, or something like that.
MORE: CBS Goes All in on ‘Cheap Fakes’ Claim, but Has Embarrassing Problems of Their Own
Oops: White House Transcript of One of Those ‘Cheap Fake’ Videos Kinda Sorta Proves the Point
Kristof notes some inconvenient truths regarding the condition of major cities on the West Coast, said condition best identified…