The house I grew up in, a small, snug house on the banks of Bear Creek in Allamakee County, Iowa, was heated in winter by a combination of an LP gas furnace in the basement and a hand-built limestone fireplace and chimney, which required 4-5 cords of firewood a year to get the house through the winter. After I was grown and gone, Dad usually got in that firewood by himself, felling the trees, cutting and splitting the wood into fireplace-sized chunks, and stacking it, by himself. He outdid himself the last year my parents lived in that house, cutting, splitting, and stacking nearly six cords.
He was 85.
The point is, not everyone ages at the same rate, in the same way. Dad was physically robust and smart as a whip at 85. But at 81 years old, Joe Biden, the President of the United States, is clearly and undeniably failing. Even steadfast never-Trumpers and Democrats are starting to…