Red state

Putin Threatens South Korea With Something They Won’t Like If It Helps Ukraine – RedState

Russian President Vladimir Putin used a press conference during his visit to Vietnam to warn South Korea that if it followed through on its public statement that it might begin weapons deliveries to Ukraine, “this would be a very big mistake.”

As for the supply of lethal weapons to the war zone in Ukraine, this would be a very big mistake. I hope that this will not happen. If this happens, then we will also make appropriate decisions that are unlikely to please the current leadership of South Korea.

This incident of Putin again writing checks his ass can’t cash comes after a state visit by Putin to Pyongyang on Tuesday, where he signed a mutual defense treaty with Kim Jong Un.

BACKGROUND: Game Changer: Russia Signs Mutual Defense Treaty With North Korea

That agreement means what either party wants it to mean.

According to the text of the deal published by North Korea’s official…

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