Red state

Former Democrat Mega-Donor, Now RFK Jr.’s VP Candidate, Says the Party ‘Hates Democracy’ – RedState

Former Democrat mega-donor and current Independent vice presidential candidate for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Nicole Shanahan, is speaking out against the Democrat machine. 

The conversation about democracy began with FOXLA anchor Elex Michaelson asking Shanahan, “What state are you most likely to win?”

Shanahan said:

“Well, we’re not going to give away our full path to victory strategy, but we have a five-inch thick strategy document that we’re following.”

Michaelson follows up by asking, “There are a lot of people that want to support you, that want to donate, but maybe are thinking they can’t win so I’m not going to support them. What do you say to those people?” She said:

We can most definitely win. We have a very thorough strategy and a path towards victory. We will be on 50 ballots.

We have a very strong legal team, one of the most motivated legal teams, to defend every ballot…

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