Red state

California GOP Legislator Uses Logic to Destroy Democrat During Debate on Reparations Bill – RedState

Sometimes, something comes in over the transom that makes you feel good for the rest of the day. When an item surfaces that involves a California Republican state legislator reducing a Democrat state legislator to tears, over reparations, using logic, that’s just too much fun:

A California Democrat held back tears earlier this month when a Republican lawmaker said it would be unfair to make Asians and Latinos pay slavery reparations to African-Americans.

The exchange happened on June 11 during a meeting of the California Assembly Committee on Judiciary. The lawmakers were discussing SB 1331, a bill that would establish the “Fund for Reparations and Reparative Justice” in the state treasury — the culmination of a monthslong initiative by California Democrats to develop a reparation proposal for descendants of American slaves. 

“I’m concerned about the proposal to help…

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