Hot Air

Emergency Exposes Folly of DEI in Medicine – HotAir

        If you want to know why prioritizing DEI in medical schools is a bad idea, consider your priorities in a medical emergency.

        Early this month, my youngest son came howling and holding his left arm. My wife thought it was broken. When he turned it, his forearm flopped and rolled like it was made of rubber. Not great.

        My wife used a spatula to stabilize his arm and wrap it up. Off we went to the urgent care. His arm was indeed broken, but they didn’t feel comfortable setting it. My wife took him to a pediatric ER. They set it but wanted an orthopedic doctor to check it before putting on a cast. The next day, the orthopedic doctor saw him. He now has a big blue cast and a summer filled with regret that he jumped off the fort his brothers made in the living room.

        Throughout the whole ordeal, my wife and I’s only priority was finding someone…

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