There never has been and never will be a warbird like the B-52 Stratofortress. By the time its expected end of life comes around, it will have been in service for more than a century. It’s a great bomb truck — if you need a lot of BOOM delivered in a hurry, the B-52 will get it done, and it has a 100 percent accuracy record: Every bomb dropped from a B-52 throughout its history has hit the ground.
That’s good because, as the old military saying goes, “There is no problem that cannot be solved with a suitable application of high explosives.”
Now, the new B-52J is going to be entering the service, and it’s looking like it will do credit as the latest and greatest Stratofortress variant yet.
The B-52 has been a stalwart of the U.S. Air Force since the 1950s. Eighty years after its introduction, the bomber is still relevant, with new variants planned to extend the airframe’s service…