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Tulsi Gabbard Lays Out How Her Former Party Blew It With One Of Country’s Largest Voting Blocs

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard explained how she believes her former party has damaged its standing with Christian voters, one of the largest voting blocs in the country.

In an interview with The Daily Wire over the weekend, Gabbard said that during her time as a Democratic politician, she noticed increasing “discomfort when people mention God or open a meeting with a prayer.”

“You see how this progression in the Democratic National Conventions over time, how once prayer and God, they were very much a part of many of the speeches that were given,” Gabbard told The Daily Wire.

“You go back to the last convention in 2020 and maybe there was one mention of God, but even in the Pledge of Allegiance, they took out ‘under God’ when they said that,” she said.

Gabbard was a popular congresswoman from Hawaii and served as vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee until…

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