Hot Air

Brutal Border Crisis Ad to Air During Debate – HotAir

I doubt many people expect the liberal moderators at the debate to hit Joe Biden with any tough or uncomfortable questions. It would be shocking indeed if they brought up the subject of the army of criminal illegal aliens that have been allowed into the country and the growing trail of women and children who have been assaulted, raped, and even murdered by them. (I would be very pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong about this, but I’m not getting my hopes up.) But that doesn’t mean that the message won’t get out to the huge portion of the American public expected to tune in this evening. The nonprofit group Building America’s Future has produced an advertisement profiling the murders of Laken Riley and others, along with the migrants accused of committing those crimes. And the blame is correctly placed directly on Joe Biden’s shoulders and his disastrous policies. (NY Post)


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