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Hungary’s ‘Pride’ Parade Diverges From Humble Christian Heritage 

Be humble in this life so that God may raise you up in the next.—St. Stephen, Hungary’s first king

How sad it is to see God-glorifying humility morph into sin-glorifying pride. 

Last year, Hungary went viral after an illuminated cross hovered over the Danube River, symbolizing the European nation’s Christian heritage. Drones took the shape of a cross after transitioning from a depiction of the crown of St. Stephen, Hungary’s first king, who recognized Christ’s lordship and introduced Christianity to the pagan Magyars—thereby uniting them under one nation and one God.

Nearly a year later, rainbow-draped apparel and scantily clad men and women marched through Budapest for the globally recognized “Pride parade.” The sexually fueled displays on Budapest’s streets expose the fierce and troubling dichotomy between Hungary’s Christian founding and…

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