News Busters

CNN’s Acosta Silences Pro-Life Advocate By Cutting Her Mic

In the past few days, CNN has demonstrated just how blatant their prejudice has become. From Kasie Hunt’s outrage over the network’s bias being called out to Thursday morning’s display of censorship, President of Students for Life of America Kristan Hawkins being silenced on CNN Newsroom by host Jim Acosta.

Following the breaking news of the Supreme Court case Moyle v. United States, which kicked the case back down to the lower court, but allowed for “emergency” abortions to take place during the litigation process, Acosta welcomed Director of the NAACP Center for Health Equity, Dr. Chris Pernell, and asked her, “Your reaction to this abortion decision in Idaho, is this a kick the can kind of moment for the Court?”

Pernell mourned that the Court did not go further: 

So what that means is that women’s health continues to be imperiled. It means…

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