News Busters

Time For Dems To Tell Biden It’s ‘Over’

JMika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 6-28-24oe Scarborough—finally—had to stop lying to himself and to his viewers.The man who recently had the chutzpah to absurdly claim that this is the “best Biden ever and f-you if you don’t believe it,” has been forced to confront the truth. 

After Biden’s disastrous debate performance, a shame-faced Scarborough [see screencap], analogizing the situation to when Barry Goldwater told Nixon during Watergate that it was “over” and he had to resign, suggested the time has come for Democrats to tell Biden he has to drop out.  

Scarborough made another devastating analogy, asking—if Biden were the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and turned in a performance like last night’s—whether he would be kept on in his position.  Rhetorical question, of course.

The need to pull the plug on Biden is so urgent, suggested Scarborough, that he disagreed with the view of…

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