News Busters

PolitiFact, USA Today Rate Trump, Biden 100 And 44 Percent False

After Thursday’s debate between Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the fact-checkers at PolitiFact and USA Today gave their recaps of both men’s most controversial claims. On the statements the two Facebook partners examined, Trump was rated false 100 percent of the time, while Biden was rated false only 44 percent of the time.

PolitiFact fact-checked Trump 16 total times, giving him a “mostly false” rating three times, a “false” rating on 12 occasions, and one additional “pants on fire” rating.

Some of PolitiFact’s evidence was quite puzzling. For instance, in the portion dealing with Trump attacking Democrats’ radical abortion stance, Trump mentioned Democrats support abortion “in the eighth month, in the ninth month,” which PolitiFact responded to by claiming, “Many of these Democrats have also said they support abortions past…

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