Red state

Fauci Weakly Weighs In on Biden’s Mental Status – RedState

Why is this guy still around? Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former chief medical advisor to the president and main architect of the nation’s draconian COVID response, is supposedly retired, but he keeps showing up to preen and tell everybody what a great job he did. The facts belie him, however; he’s been accused of funding gain-of-function virus research, aggressively discrediting the lab-leak theory and trying to ruin the life of anyone who backed it, lying about the effectiveness of masks, and many other transgressions.

Aha, the tireless self-promoter has a new book; that’s why he’s making the rounds again. Despite being recently the highest-paid employee of the federal government and amassing a fortune worth an estimated $11 million, he wants more.

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday, he was asked about President Joe Biden’s mental capacity, and despite the obvious evidence…

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