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California Dem Restrained From Confronting Republican During Debate On Transgender Parental Notification Bill

A California Democrat was restrained by his fellow lawmakers when he stood up and began moving toward a Republican member during debate over a bill about schools informing parents when children announce new gender identities.

According to video of the Thursday incident, Assemblyman Dr. Corey Jackson, a Democrat, reacted to something inaudible said by Assemblyman Bill Essayli, a Republican. Both assemblymen represent neighboring districts in the southern part of the state, southwest of Los Angeles.  

“You’d better watch yourself,” Jackson can be heard saying several times.

“He’s not going to smack his gums over here today,” Jackson said.

Jackson then got up from his chair and began physically pushing against lawmakers who were trying to restrain him.

“I went blank. I lost it,” Jackson later told the Los Angeles Times.

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