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We Have an Update on That Joe Biden 10 am

Early on in the aftermath of his disastrous Thursday debate performance, one of the many dominoes President Joe Biden’s handlers worked to prevent from falling was one related to questions about how he is during a normal workday. I mean, if he couldn’t rise to the occasion for a debate, how did/does he function in handling day-to-day business, the rough and tumble of Capitol Hill?

We got our answer in the form of an Axios report titled “The Two Bidens,” where unnamed aides informed the American people not to worry, that Biden was “dependably engaged” during the hours of 10 am – 4 pm, or when he wasn’t traveling internationally. But outside of that narrow coherency window, we could sometimes expect the lost and out-of-it Biden we saw Thursday night to do his thing.

READ MORE: New Report About Times of Day Joe Biden Is ‘Dependably Engaged’ Sure Sounds Like ‘Sundowning’

In other words,…

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