Hot Air

The Establishment Is Getting Crushed – HotAir

If you look at the elections going on in the West, you may notice a pattern.

It’s not liberals or conservatives winning so much as parties out of power beating those who are clearly members of the ruling Establishment. 

Now, it’s true that, for the most part, the left or center-left has been holding power in most places, so it looks like conservatives are ascendant, but things aren’t quite so cut-and-dried–most notably in the United Kingdom, where the nominally conservative party is about to get trounced. 

What seems to be going on is a universal dissatisfaction with how the ruling elite have been running things, and with good reason. Whether it is conservatives, liberals, or “moderates,” the ruling elite has been committed to policies that have eroded the power of individuals and vastly increased the power of the state. 

Moreover, Western governments have made abundantly clear…

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