Daily wire

Higher Education Is Failing America

Young people, and young men in particular, are losing faith in the country’s education system. They are opting out of college in record numbers. This trend has been ongoing for some time, and now it’s coming to a head. 

For me, this topic is personal. Both of my parents were university professors. Academia put food on our table. I’ve witnessed firsthand the positive effects that a successful and vibrant college can have on small towns and communities. 

But increasingly, this industry is weakening. The financial implications may have yet to be felt, but the writing is on the wall. For the first time in U.S. history, our sons will have less education than their fathers. That statement would have been unfathomable to grandfathers like mine who sacrificed on a daily basis, so that my parents could get college degrees. They did so because the return on investment was clear: Those…

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