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Celebrating Role of Wealth, Innovation, and Freedom on July 4th

Though Bidenomics will likely increase the price of your cookout, July 4th is still a celebration of everything that made America great—namely, our dedication to the defense of freedom and our other God-given natural rights.

Regrettably, that’s a dedication not shared by all. Though Washington has always had its share of demagogues, they have increasingly turned their attention toward destroying our way of life. Specifically, this movement is focused on maligning wealth, property, and those who pursue a better way of life through innovation.

Listening to these policymakers, you could be forgiven for thinking that our national wealth mostly consisted of gold bars sitting in a safe on a yacht bound for the nearest tax shelter—a collection of idle idols. As such, much of the policymaking debate in Washington has zeroed in on taxing, regulating, and redistributing…

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