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Betting Markets Show Kamala Running Neck-And-Neck With Biden For Nomination

The fallout from the presidential debate between former President Trump and President Biden has catalyzed bettors to hedge their bets on whether Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris will be the Democratic presidential nominee.

On Wednesday, the prediction market platform Polymarket showed bettors giving Biden a 49% chance of becoming the nominee compared to a 35% chance for Harris; last Thursday, before the debate, Biden was shown at 90% assured before he plummeted after his disastrous performance. Harris’ chance at becoming the nominee was at a miniscule 1% before the debate, according to Polymarket, Forbes reported.

Another prediction market platform, PredictIt, showed Biden with a 42-38 cent lead (a 4% gain, as cents are equivalent to percentages on the site) over Harris on Wednesday; at one point earlier in the week, the platform actually showed Harris clinging to a 1% lead.

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