Hot Air

Biden Still Stumbling; “The First Black Woman to Serve With a Black President” – HotAir

Say, didn’t the New York Times focus most of its energy on explaining away Joe Biden’s stumbles as “cheap fakes” … until a week ago? As late as June 21, just six days before the presidential debate undeniably exposed Biden’s cognitive decline, the Paper of Record told readers not to believe their own lyin’ eyes when it came to Biden’s stumbles. Those videos were “misleading … edited or lacking context,” the Gray Lady assured them:

President Biden has many adversaries in this year’s election. There are his Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump, and the independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

And then there is the distorted, online version of himself, a product of often misleading videos that play into and reinforce voters’ longstanding concerns about his age and abilities.

In the last two weeks, conservative news outlets, the Republican National Committee…

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