Hot Air

Did You Know There is a NATO Summit Starting Next Tuesday? – HotAir


Remember NATO? It’s that obscure alliance that supposedly exists to defend the security of the Western powers on European continent. 

There is a major war in which Russia–the country with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and a slightly shaky government–you might be forgiven for thinking that the Biden Administration would be laser-focused on preparing for the NATO summit that begins in Washington on Tuesday. 

At least you could be forgiven for thinking that before the disastrous performance of the president in the debate with Donald Trump last Thursday. In this new reality, it is silly to think that anybody but a few obscure aides is making policy decisions in the White House. 

The fact that the president isn’t engaged in preparations for this meeting now makes a lot of sense. Aside from showing up, wandering around, shaking hands with world leaders and imaginary…

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