News Busters

Scarborough Goes From Urging Biden To Quit ASAP To Now, Not So Fast!

Joe Scarborough  MSNBC Morning Joe 7-5-24 Who got to Joe Scarborough? 

Last Friday, the very next day after Biden’s debate debacle, Scarborough strongly suggested that Biden needed to quit, pronto. Scarborough analogized that just like Goldwater went to Nixon during Watergate and told him it was “over, ” Democrats now need to say the same thing to Biden.

Scarborough has now drastically changed his tune. On today’s Morning Joe, he stressed that Democrats shouldn’t rush into a decision: “it’s only July 5th!”, he repeatedly exclaimed. 

Scarborough even bragged that over the last week, he’s been talking many people “off of the ledge.” In other words, that while others were panicking and calling on Biden to quit, Scarborough the wise man served as the voice of calm reason, calling on people to “take a deep breath” and not act hastily. Scarborough literally described himself as administering…

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