Red state

The Moment Stephanopoulos Gave the Game Away and Failed to Follow Up on Crucial Biden Claim – RedState

As you know if you’re an avid news consumer, Joe Biden sat for an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Friday night to try to salvage his Don Quixote-esque ’24 reelection campaign after his chances were all but decimated with his “I come from outer space” debate performance earlier this month.

Stephanopoulos, despite his long history of acting as a hyper-partisan Democrat operative pretending to be a journalist, received decent marks from commentators after he kept pressing the president on his mental fitness despite Biden’s continued attempts to evade the questions.

But it’s not always the questions asked that are key to sound journalism—sometimes it’s the follow-up, and I found one exchange to be particularly telling. Stephanopoulos asked Biden more than once whether he would take a cognitive test, to which the president kept flippantly replying, “I take one…

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