Red state

The Sky Is Falling! Summer Is Hot, So It’s Time for ‘Climate Calamitists’ to Wail and Gnash Teeth. – RedState

The Atlantic published an article titled: “Living Through the End of California.”

Well, alrighty then…

I wondered: Might they be concerned California is slipping into an inescapable debt hole caused by one-party rule, or that under Governor HairGel, the great state of California has turned into a morass of homelessness and human excrement? No. I was wrong.   

Instead, I read a rather windy story about climate change. Sorry, the climate crisis. Get used to the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Each summer, as summer turns into…summer, “climate calamitists” begin their summer ritual. Like primitives dancing about, and casting talisman at the ground and into sky, doomsters remind us that the end is nigh, or something. 

This story centers on a woman named Majula Martin. Majula’s father was Majula’s midwife. She was named by the family’s Indian monk guru. I think the monk was an…

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