Red state

‘What the Hell Are They Thinking?’ MSNBC Suspends Disbelief, Blasts Democrats Calling on Biden to Quit – RedState

MSNBC being MSNBC. You know what that means. 

Whether it’s “Morning Joe” simp Joe Scarborough or his wife and co-host Mika Brzezinski making total fools out of themselves, or race-hustler extraordinaire Joy Reid going off her rails on yet another hateful, racist rant, the infotainment network is always good for a laugh. And the best part is the cartoonish cast of characters’ total lack of self-awareness while beclowning themselves.

Saturday’s entertaining episode of MSNBC’s “The Weekend” was no different.

The host, and guests alike, absurdly lashed out at Democrats and members of the liberal media who have finally come to the conclusion that it’s time to stick a fork in mumbling and bumbling Joe Biden, who in just ten days has become a dead man walking. First, Biden’s disastrous debate performance on June 27 was worse than I expected. Then, his equally disastrous interview with…

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