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The 25th Amendment: It’s Not Just a Good Idea

The news cycle has been dominated by President Joe Biden’s decline, which was made inarguable to even the most partisan Democrats after the first presidential debate and seems to be growing more apparent every time someone lets the president face even those most softball questions. The 25th Amendment has been mentioned time and again as a possible tool to remedy this embarrassing situation, and that’s not without reason, as it is beginning to look like Joe Biden is digging in his heels.

However: The Federalist’s senior legal correspondent, Margot Cleveland, makes a compelling case for the 25th Amendment being not just an option at this juncture but a requirement.

The Democrats’ public struggle session over what to do with the problem of Joe Biden must end. They know, we know, and, most terrifyingly, America’s enemies know that our commander-in-chief is mentally incompetent. As…

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