Hot Air

Irresistible Force Meets Immovable Object – HotAir

I wish I could say that I am tired of the “Will he or won’t he?” story about Biden’s staying in the race, but let’s face it: this is the most fascinating story of the past few years. 

Nobody who reads Hot Air was surprised that Biden’s dementia has finally been laid bare for all to see, but we never quite knew when everybody would acknowledge the truth. I thought Biden would stumble and bumble through the debate with the trajectory of the race unchanged, and as usual, my prediction turned out to be devastatingly wrong. 

Let’s just say I am better at 30,000-foot analyses than on-the-ground tactical ones. 

For months, there has been a behind-the-scenes battle between the “get Biden to retire” Democrats (the Obama faction, mostly) and the “stick with the one who brought you to the dance” faction. Then the debate happened, and the latter group shrunk to a tiny subset of the party,…

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